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Translation verification for some legend cards

Translation verification for some legend cards

Beitragvon andorblue1 » 20. Mai 2024, 13:38


the French version sometimes has translation issues. I have 2 questions:

1) Alte Geister : die Spur des Drachen

Card C2: the top reads "A peasant is safe only on the Castle or on a rebuilt farm. Place 1 peasant token on space 24 unless the farm is not yet rebuilt: in this case, leave it on the castle".

The italicized part makes no sense, what's the correct version?

2) Sternenschild

Card G, the version of the card with the light token on space 15, 30, 37, ...
It reads "2 players: 3 tokens, 4 players: 4 tokens, 5 players: 5 tokens"

The italicized part is obviously wrong, what's the correct version?

Thanks a lot and king regards!
Beiträge: 12
Registriert: 27. Juni 2019, 10:34

Re: Translation verification for some legend cards

Beitragvon Ragnar » 20. Mai 2024, 15:20

Hello andorblue1,

Die Bauern sind nur in der Burg und in vollständig reparierten Gehöften sicher. Liegt jetzt ein Bauernplättchen auf Feld 24 und ist das Gehöft noch nicht repariert, wird das Bauernplättchen wieder auf die Burg zurückgelegt.

The farmers are only safe in the castle and in fully repaired farmsteads. If a farmer tile is now on space 24 and the farmstead has not yet been repaired, the farmer tile is returned to the castle.

2 Spieler =3, 3 Spieler = 4, 4 Spieler = 5
2 players = 3, 3 players = 4, 4 players = 5 ;)

Best regards Ragnar
Beiträge: 1422
Registriert: 14. Dezember 2014, 13:02

Re: Translation verification for some legend cards

Beitragvon andorblue1 » 20. Mai 2024, 19:56

Thanks a lot Ragnar! ;)
Beiträge: 12
Registriert: 27. Juni 2019, 10:34
